
英検準1級 PASS!!

Congratulations to 中高一貫 students Mika Kawamoto (5-1) and Ayumi Nakayama (中3) on passing the Eiken Grade Pre-1 level. They have both strived hard, and remained motivated and focused on achieving this goal. As a teacher, I am very proud to see them enjoy learning and using English, and be rewarded for the great effort they put in. 


Mika becomes only the second student in the history of the High School to achieve this level, and Ayumi becomes the first student from the Junior High School to reach this level. Thank you to all of the staff members that supported these two students and continue to encourage all of the 中高一貫 students to reach their goals.

Mr Howes

"I am really happy to pass the Eiken Pre-1.  I want to thank Mr Howes, who helped me practise the essay and speaking sections.  I also started to do vocabulary building often, so as to be able to talk more naturally." 
川本美果  (Mika Kawamoto,  5-1 / 高2)

"I am very happy because I am the first person to get Pre-1 in the Junior High School.  However, I will study harder now, more than before, because I would like to improve my English skills even more." 


中山あゆみ (Ayumi Nakayama, 中3)